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A Woman's Leisure Time

I recently read an article from The Guardian by Brigid Schulte titled “A Woman’s Greatest Enemy? A Lack of Time to Herself.” It was about...

Catch It

Sometimes you think and pray and write pros and cons lists and worry and wring your hands and then finally make a decision. Other times,...

Dear Firstborn

Last week, Little Brother had his tooth capped. He did great during the procedure but afterward he dealt with the weird feeling of a numb...

Keeping the Door Open

A few weeks ago, I had a rough Wednesday. Dinner was wild enough that I asked my husband if he needed back up. I said I didn’t have to go...

Trusting Other People to Love Us

I just finished reading the second book in the Outlander series, Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. (Ok, skimming the end. It was not...

Not-So-Secret Episcopalians

We’re Episcopalians. Whoa. It feels good to say that. We were secretly, even to us, Episcopalians for many years. When we first got...

You Are All Stardust

I dated a guy one summer in college who was constantly using his teeth to open containers, untie knots in boot laces or to hold things....

Managing My Anxiety

I wrote this several months ago but couldn’t make myself share it then. I’m behind schedule posting this week because I had a sick kid...

How Skinny Do I Need to Be?

I’ve been thinking about thresholds. I’m allergic to raspberries. It took me several years to figure it out because usually I was eating...

Skating Scared

I carry too many things. That’s probably true of most people. We hold onto heavy things that we don’t need to, maybe even things that...


We’re coming up on our ten-year wedding anniversary. We have lived in 8 houses, in 4 states, and 2 countries. The thing is, even when...

This is the Best Day of My Life!

Yesterday at 7:30am my three-year-old yelled, “This is the best day of my life!” We were walking home from walking Big Brother to school....

Trusting My Feet

“You have a testing problem,” she told me gently, skating next to me, trying to calm me down. "Bash, we see you do these things. We know...

Renewing Domain Names and Loneliness

I recently spent hours trying to renew my domain name. I’d gotten several emails about it. I kept thinking, “Oh yeah, I need to take care...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

So remember last week how I was going to give myself the gift of time? I was going to give myself time to work on derby skills, time to...

The Gift of Time

At roller derby practice on Sunday we did our monthly skills tests. During practice only people who are level four and higher get to...

I am the Worst

One Halloween my oldest son had gotten his piece of candy and was reaching for another one for his baby brother. The woman wrenched the...

Gospel Elevator Pitch

Recently I was in the elevator with a neighbor. She had on a PWOC shirt and was carrying a PWOC tumbler. This was when I was still...

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